Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Dear Deaf friend Chandra

Here is my friend Chandra. She works at a grocery store near me. She is the single mother of these two wonderful children. The thing that is great about her is that she is deaf and is a beautiful signer. So we are instant friends. Her son Christian was having a little problem coming home from school on time. She was going to punish him by not letting him go to our church. So I challanged him to come home on time for 10 days. As soon as he did the 10 days, I was to take the family to the beach for a little outting. Lucians don't go to the beach much and rarely do family activities. He loves primary. He has been 3 times. His sister has been twice. Tomorrow, his mom wants to come. They have no idea what they are in for. I will be Chandra's interperter for the day. Good luck to us both.

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