Thursday, April 23, 2009

A glimps of nature

We often interact with nature out here in Guyana. We compete with roaches, ants and tiny frogs on a daily basis. But the creatures I love to watch are the birds. We have two kinds that really draw our attention. The first is this bird that jumps. Every morning we look out our bedroom window and watch this bird hop off the wall or branch of a bush about 3 feet in the air and down again. He will do this repeatedly. We call him the jumper. But there is this other bird that we love to watch. This colorful character is called a kisadee. This kisadee is sitting on the wall, watching for grasshoppers in the field below. He enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.

1 comment:

Diana Williamson said...

Thanks for the picture and description of the Kiskadee, one of the things I love most about Guyana. I even looked this kind of bird up on the internet and found out that they have a very wide range - even up into the United States.
A couple of weeks ago as we crossed the plains states on the way to Utah, I saw a sign saying we were near Seedskadee Lake, and I am almost certain that our little friend is there, but with a slightly different name.